A Name of Quality - Serving The Aviation Industry since 1966 - Family owned and operated since 1977 - Three Generations Strong

Cylinder Services

FAA Certified Repair Station JUJR300L

As an FAA Certified Cylinder Repair Station, the latest equipment and technology is available to make minor repairs to an engine and its components. Technicians are skilled and given specialized training, required to perform necessary procedures to repair this very important engine component.

The following services are offered:

  • Oversided Honing
  • Ring Finish Honing
  • True Honing
  • Removal/Installation of Seats & Guides
  • Compliance with the latest Service Bulletins

Cylinders are built to manufacturer's specifications, in accordance to Repair Station Manual. All parts are inspected carefully before installation

NOTE: Cylinders sent for overhaul must be crack free and the bores must be either STD or oversize specs.

Please contact JJA prior to sending PMA (ECI, Superior) Cylinders for overhaul.

Cylinder Overhaul Service Includes:
  • Disassembly, cleaning and inspection of the cylinder and related parts (valves, springs, rocker arms, rocker shafts, pistons, piston pins).
  • Installation of valve guides, seats, bushings, studs and fittings - as necessary. Above parts are supplied new and price of all required parts are additional.
  • Piston Cleaning & Inspection. Piston must Meet OEM specs for return to service.
  • Cylinder Hone. To deglaze cylinder barrel or hone to any size from STD, plus 10, plus 15 or plus 20. Barrel must meet OEM specs for return to service.
  • Valve Cleaning & Grinding. Valves are bead blast, face ground to 30 or 45 degree and tip polished. Valve must meet OEM specs for return to service.
  • Rocker arm Overhaul. Clean, NTD for cracks, reface the foot and change bushing as needed, or requested. Rocker arm must meet OEM specs for return to service and price of bushings are additional.
  • Mill Port. Remove olds studs, mill ports, install any helicoils as needed and install new studs. Standard stud removal is included. However, removal of rosan studs may be additional. Port must meet OE specs for return to service and price of studs are additional.
  • Bush Rocker Ears. Remove old bushing, install new bushings and ream. Rocker ears must meet OEM specs for return to service and the prices of bushings are additional.
  • Installation of valve assembly and fitting rings/piston to barrel. Upon customer’s request and based on availability, JJA may supply serviceable internal parts when customer’s parts are not re-useable. However, the following parts are ALWAYS supplied in NEW condition only: rings, valve retainer keys and gasket set.

You may be subject to a cylinder inspection fee if cylinder does not meet manual requirements and is not repairable and you choose not to purchase a replacement from JJA; or you chose to cancel after work has started. If replacement cylinder is purchased from JJA a cylinder inspection fee will be waived.

Shipping Cylinders/Parts to John Jewell Aircraft. Inc.

  1. Box your parts carefully so that there is no metal-to-metal contact. Please pack your parts carefully in a suitable container or box with ample protective cushioning. Remember these are heavy parts. We recommend that you insure your shipment. John Jewell Aircraft cannot be responsible for damaged or missing parts.

  2. Fill out a JJA Work Request. Place it in the box. Keep a copy for your records. Each order must be accompanied by written instructions from the customer. Please complete our Cylinder Overhaul Request form. You may also include Purchase Order information with inventory list and specific work instructions. Place the form/ PO in the box with cylinder/parts. For multiple boxes, please place copy in each box. Verbal instructions provided to our staff prior to receipt of your order is not a substitute. If no instructions are included, your order may be delayed while we track down the necessary information. Acceptance of your order is subject to our Cylinder Repair Terms and Conditions.

  3. Secure the box and take to your local USPS, UPS or FedEx mail center. The most practical and economical way to ship cylinder/parts to John Jewell Aircraft is via USPS, UPS or FedEx.

    All shipping carriers use:
    John Jewell Aircraft, Inc.
    171 A. Q. Greer Dr.
    Holly Springs, MS 38635